Switch It!
5.0 stars out of
☆☆☆☆☆ 5.0/5
1 Review
☆☆☆☆☆ 5.0/5
Card game
€ 12.95
Switch It! is an insanely exciting observation game for flighty players. Adapt to the day and night conditions in the blink of an eye and be the first to spot the sought-after colour or figure that is most common, but watch out for the special items!
- Boost your perception and reaction speed.
- Day or night? Be the first to find the colour or the object!
- Beware! Special cards ‘switch’ everything around!
Switch It!
explained in a few minutes
Switch It! is a fun, quick and easy-to-learn card game for the whole family. Find out how a round of games works in this video.
Play Video
★★★★★ 5/5
“Woooow I get all hyper about Switch It. In a good way lol. So so so so exciting man, not normal. Don’t forget to breathe while playing.”
Tim A.
First, try to find the colour OR the object that is most common. In ‘day’ you see the colours, in ‘night’ just the objects!

Beware! Special cards ‘switch’ everything around!
- Torch: Always day!
- Curtain: Always night!
- Globe: Switch day & night!

Collect the most cards to win the game!

Switch It! doesn’t only boost your adaptability, but also your …
Perception speed
Are you the first to notice anything? This game trains your perceptiveness, which also gives you an edge over your peers in everyday life.
Reaction speed
How quickly do you react to an unexpected situation? Estimate the game quickly and correctly and be the first to reply with your words or actions.
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